Saturday, August 11, 2018

Book Review: The Business of Being a Writer

I'm your typical disorganized, creative, right-brain-focused individual. While I might have scientific interests (how the brain functions; the rudiments of psychology), I certainly don't revel in mathematical exercises. I try to avoid topics of economics and such. Thus, Jane Friedman's The Business of Being a Writer was a bit of a stretch for me. I much prefer to read books that emphasize the creative aspects of writing. But, there is a time and place for thinking about the business side and Friedman does a decent job of outlining how the business side of writing works.

It was a tad dry - but then, the topic is business-related, so I expected as much. Moreover, I already knew quite a bit of the content (the steps you must take to get published). Still, if you are considering quitting your job and devoting your life to the goal of a lucrative writing career, Friedman will certainly open your eyes to the difficulties you might encounter. Plus, if you are just starting out as a writer, she will walk you through the process. For me, the most beneficial gain was a small section on author platform that emphasized creating a newsletter mailing list. This is something I've been thinking about for a while. I took a few notes and jotted down some on-line resources for help in that area. It's not a book I will return to again, but it was worth the time invested.

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