Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Book Review: The Chilbury Ladies Choir

To be totally honest, I feel strapped for time to read simply for pleasure. In dedicating the five weeks starting November 1st to writing for the Lord, I settled in on a non-fiction project (not ready to disclose the details yet, but definitely excited about the prospects). The historical research for this project will take hours upon hours of time. I'm not reviewing the books I'm devouring and utilizing for the project.

In the meantime, I signed on to read The Chilbury Ladies Choir for an on-line book club Sheila from The Deliberate Reader hosts. I haven't taken much time for interacting with the group discussion, but did enjoy this book. It was an easy read about a small village enduring World War II. The book highlights the power of music to lift the soul amid the perils of war.

Jennifer Ryan presents realistic characters facing difficult quandaries. The book is told through the entries of war journals, diaries, and letters. The reader encounters a widow dreading her son's involvement in the war, two sisters seeking love relationships, a mid-wife willing to take a bold step for monetary gain, and a young Jewish refugee trying to find a new place in the world. By the end of the book, you know the village well and care about its occupants. If you are looking for a war story that highlights the resounding strength of women and the transformative power of music, this is the book for you!

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